Dobrý den! Or "hello!" in Czech
I am Kristýna (if I lived in the Bohemian village my GGparents came from this would be how my name was spelled) and I am a 54 yr. old farm wife and mail carrier for our small village. I have an empty nest as both our boys having flown the coop. It has been an adjustment. I miss their chatter, laughter and help around the house but it is how it should be.
I have started to take over the upstairs of our small home to create a place to craft, exercise and relax. I am in introvert and need my own time and space. I "moved" to my 'suite' as my coworker calls it, in August and I love it!!! It is the first time in my life I have ever had my own space and it is exactly what I need. I now am television free and do not miss it one bit. I do subscribe to Netflix DVDs and watch them on my computer and I am a Wisconsin Public Radio fan so I am not totally out of the loop. I also dumped Facebook and went to Twitter which I find freeing.
I have been painting off and on for many years, have done some shows and craft shows, sold online etc. I put away my brushes for awhile but now I am picking them up again and finishing off some older paintings and starting new ones. I hope to keep a record of what I am doing here.
I plan to quit fighting how I want to paint and surrender to just what comes of it. So it may not be any good but it is good for me. A few years ago I took a bunch of paintings and just burned them. I'm not afraid to do it again, ha!
I also enjoy photography, reading (not consistent), writing letters, gardening, doing genealogy. I've recently started an at home yoga and meditation practice. I have been diagnosed with moderate arthritis in my knees and suddenly I realize if I want to do some things in life I have got to start doing them. One of my great joys is hiking and biking but they have become too painful so I started the exercise program to help alleviate the pain so I can hopefully return to doing them. I am on a clean eating program (my own) and have lost 30# since July. I have a few more to go.
I also have a booth at a small antique and craft store. I sell mostly antiques, up-cycled items and once in a great while someone buys one of my paintings. Antiques and up-cycled are what do best there though. I will perhaps feature some of that on this blog also.
I have been researching my genealogy, concentrating on my mother's side since others have already been doing my dad's. They are from Czechoslovakia, Austria and Belgium (French). I have an obsession with Czechoslovakia along with eastern European history anyway so it is fascinating and confusing.
Someday I would love to travel to where my relatives came from. That would be the now Czech Republic, Austria, Sweden and Scotland. What an adventure that would be!!
A few of my intentions this year are to continue my journaling, create art, travel to Poland (scared...need to decide SOON!) and get my health in order. With no insurance for 30 years I am scared to go to the Dr. but need to now that I do have insurance. Also lose another 50#. I don't know what I will all cover here. Time will tell.
Oh, and FINISH books. You know, read them from start to finish. I am so guilty of having 4 books going and finishing none. So I am keeping track on the side here of what I read.
Welcome to the madness!
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